(2blk.s from I-45)
2914 N. Main, 77009

713 . 227 . 2222


(Bellaire & Hillcroft)
6216 Dashwood, 77081

713 . 271 . 4000


Work Injuries

Even though many doctors and clinics of all types do not accept work accidents, we are trained and qualified to treat patients w/ these injuries and even certified by the State of Texas to evaluate via Functional Capacity Tests, order MRI, CT scan testing, EMG, nerve conduction velocity testing, and provide Permanent Impairment Ratings when necessary, as well as give the appropriate Return to Work restrictions or modifications as soon as the patient has responded well to treatment/rehab.

At Brando Chiropractic Clinic we are very accustomed to and well-equipped to accept patients who were involved in an on-the-job injury. We also have facilities for Work Conditioning and Work Hardening to prepare patients to return to work. Pain management is also available. Please call us for more information.

Our Patients Speak

Since moving to Houston, I have been to four other chiropractors, who were not able to help me with my midback pain, until I saw Dr. Brando. Before finding the Brando Clinic, I would have to drive the five hours back to Dallas to see my old doctor there; and to be honest, I have not had a real episode in about four months now, so I'm extra happy.

-- Pamela M.

Thanks to the doctors at Brando Clinic, not only is my back better, but my golf game is also better than ever!

-- Chris W.

Dr. Brando, all I can say is 'thank you' for helping me be able to raise my arms and move my neck better. For a while there, my TV and stage acting, and even singing were hurting because I was hurting! Now I'm doing great. Thanks again to the doctors and staff at your clinic!

-- Pablo B.

I came to Dr. Brando for the plantar fascitis pain in my foot. He used various therapies on my calf, which I would not have thought was associated with my foot really, and then he worked on my foot and showed me stretches for my calf on a wobble board. He also used tape to strap up my arch and test whether I needed to go through w/ the expense of orthotics in my shoes or not. After months of not being able to, I'm excited to finally get back to my workouts, and Dr. B helped me without the side effects of drugs or injections, or cost of orthotics or surgery!

-- Dannette W.

I would like to thank the doctors and very friendly staff at Brando Chiropractic as they have helped me with my back problems I have had for years. I still have to spend hours at the computer, but at least now I can tolerate it and have even gone back to running to stay in shape. My old chiropractor in N.Y. was good, but the Brando Clinic is one reason I'm thankful I moved to Houston!

-- Mark S.

As a personal fitness trainer (working in both the U.S. and U.K.), I am especially aware of the biomechanics of the body and how muscles move joints; however, after my first visit w/ Dr. Brando at the Memorial clinic, I realized that no doctor in England -- and I have seen at least 3 chiros and 2 M.D.'s there -- has really properly addressed and treated my back or knees. He fitted me w/ a low cost shoe insert to help level my pelvis, and has found spots of contracture in various muscles of my back and legs which were never addressed by the other docs. I noticed significant improvement within just a few visits, and to me this is huge since I'm also an avid runner. With their friendly and professional staff, I will definitely recommend the clinic to my clients.

-- Kahl G.

I was skeptical that the decompression treatment would help my low back herniated disc and the resulting sciatic leg pain, but after just one treatment I was able to sleep well for the first time in months! I must say that I am surprised and will definitely follow through with Dr. Brando's recommendations. I only wish I had come before to get my neck treated and maybe could have avoided the surgery that I had on it.

-- Jesse Z.

I am a policeman and am required to do a lot of sitting and driving for long shifts which can be hard on the neck and back, in addition to occasional "superhuman effort". Over the past 15 years, I have had a few debilitating episodes and depended on the Brando Clinic's Southwest and Memorial offices to help me get back on my feet. Otherwise, I try to come for a visit every few months just to keep things in place and keep me healthy. Also, when I hurt my neck, I had amazing results with the spinal decompression machine for the herniated disc in my neck which was causing numbness to my chest and arm. They also have the most affordable decompression pricing I've seen.

-- Dan J.

Office Hours:



8:30 am - 11:30 am

2:00 pm - 5:15 pm


2:00 pm - 5:15 pm


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2:00 pm - 5:15 pm


8:30 am - 11:00 am (by appt)





8:30 am - 11:30 am

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

2:00 pm - 5:15 pm


8:30 am - 11:30 am

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

2:00 pm - 5:15 pm


8:30 am - 11:30 am

2:00 pm - 5:15 pm


8:30 am - 11:00 am (by appt)



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